Automation Insight User Guide


This DEX Pack Lite displays information about automations that ran in the environment. Automations are typically factory installed scripts or code that automates a variety of tasks.

Global Filter

In the Global Filters section, you can select a group by which to limit the data that appears in the other sections on the page. The default for Group is All Systems.

Number of Automations Triggered in Last 30 Days

This section displays a pie chart of the automations that have been triggered in the last 30 days, broken down by the source from which the automation was triggered, such as Sensors or Resolve. Hover over a section of the pie chart to see the number of automations triggered from each source.

Automations Triggered by Source

In the Automations Triggered by Source section, a chart shows the number of automations that were triggered on the listed dates. Below the chart, you can click the sources to show or hide them on the chart. Hover over an entry on the chart to see the date and number of automations triggered.

Automations Ran in the Last 30 Days

This section lists the names of all automations that ran in the last 30 days. For each automation, you also see the number of successful runs and the number of errors.

Automations Ran on Date

This section lets you drill down into details about automations that ran on a specific date. To populate this section, click the line for a date and source from the Automations Triggered by Source section. Then, in the Automations Run on Date section, click to expand each automation and see its host name, execution count, and error count.